I am a structural engineer. I did a Bachelor in civil engineering from IOE Puchowk Campus and MSc. Natural Hazards and Risks in Structural Engineering from Bauhaus University Weimar (Germany). Currently, I am pursuing Ph.D. in structural engineering at the University of Palermo (Italy). I have years of experience in structural analysis, design, construction and retrofitting of structures.
Authors’ info: PRAKASH SITIKHU ,BE Civil Engineering, MSc. in Structural Engineering:sitikhup@gmail.com BHARAT PRADHAN ,BE Civil Engineering, MSc. in Structural Engineering:bharat.pradhan@unipa.it AbstractNepal is seismically active country. After the earthquake in 2015 (Mw 7.8), many buildings were damaged fully or partially and URM buildings were the most damaged type throughout the country. This article presents the damage […]
Frame structures with URM infill is one common construction type in Nepal and other regions of the world. Although, full infill wall can be considered by using equivalent diagonal strut, it is challenging for structural engineers to take into account the presence of openings in the infill wall during the seismic design of buildings. Few macro models have been developed to address this problem, but they are either too complicated to use or they create anomaly due to huge variation in the results. A new macro modelling technique is introduced here for URM infill wall with opening where the infill wall is discretized with the help of rigid elements. The discretized infill zone is represented by pair of diagonal link elements and the presence of opening is considered by removing the diagonal link in the zone of opening. The proposed model can be used for nonlinear static analysis of RC/steel framed building with masonry infills in earthquake prone regions like Nepal.