Hemant Tiwari


Transportation Engineer by profession, Hemant Tiwari has completed his Master degree on Transportation Engineering from IoE, Pulchowk Campus. He is currently working as Transport Specialist at Office of Investment Board Nepal. He holds the position of Chairperson at Safe and Sustainable Travel Nepal (SSTN), NGO working for safe, systematic, reliable and sustainable public transportation in Nepal. Along with that, he is also “Managing Director” at Traffic and Transportation Unlimited Solution (TATUS), organization providing complete solution on transportation sector. He is also a Research Director at Aayam Engineering Research and Consultancy (AERC).


December 22, 2019


Since the onset of the contemporary globalization that started from the early 1970s, the world has seen greater flows of people, goods, investment and knowledge which have been the source of increasing welfare, or in other words, prosperity. However, these opportunities for greater prosperity are not distributed equally in all places. Greater connectivity helps people […]