He is an Electrical Engineer. He holds M.Sc. degree in Climate Change Engineering from IOE, Pulchowk Campus and is studing MBA at IGNOU. He completed Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering. He had worked as HOD of Electrical Department at National College of Engineering affiliated to TU for more than 2 years and currently he has been working in Nepal Electricity Authority.
A power system interconnection is a kind of marriage, because two systems become one when they operate in synchronism.The most powerful grid interconnection system is Synchronous Grid of Continental Europe (ENTSO-E) with 667 (GW) of generation.
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Introduction Black Carbon has substantial effects on the regional climate through local pollution and the formation of Atmospheric Brown Cloud. Black carbon (BC) is the most strongly light-absorbing component of particulate matter (PM). It has a strong warming effect through its impact on ice and snow. It reduces the reflectivity and accelerates melting of snow […]