Ujjwal Thapa Magar


He has completed Master in Information and Communication from Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus and Bachelor in Electronics and Communication from Kathmandu Engineering College. He is Senior Engineer in Cron Ctp System. He has expertise in CTP(Computer to plate), Laser Cutting Machine and CNC (Compuer Numerical Control). He was former Lecturer in Institute of engineering and Thapathali Engineering Campus. His research paper has been published in various International Journals and Conferences. His research areas are Automation, Biomedical Image Processing, Computer Vision, Image Segmentation and Remote sensing.


August 20, 2018

An Approach to Extract Features of Mammography Images for Early Detection of Breast Cancer

Abstract Lesions and its contours are prominent signatures to determine malignancy in mammograms. Detection of the masses and their spread in mammogram is important for radiologists. In this paper, Mammogram image is enhancement using homomorphic filtering and adaptive histogram equalization. The enhanced mammogram image is segmented using K means clustering and contour is extracted using […]