Design of IOT Based Patient Health Monitoring System using Wearable Biomedical Device

Design of IOT Based Patient Health Monitoring System using Wearable Biomedical Device

August 19, 2019


The concept of IOT depicts a network of electronics System that is connected with an Internet platform for the manipulation of real-time data. The user can get the real-time data of a security system, home automation system, Sensor networks to their smartphone as in the form of notification, this is only possible with the implementation of Internet of Things (IOT). Likewise, in the field of the medical treatment process, we can employ an IOT system in the form of a wearable device on a patient body to measure the real-time data related to heart rate and body temperature. The adaptation of this system in the medical field will definitely revolutionize in the field of medical treatment and diagnosis. Through this technique, a doctor can monitor all the patients at a time by visualizing the real-time data that is transmitted from the patient body regarding their health issue. This information can also be possible to access from the remote location through an IOT platform. With the implementation of this system, a medical nurse will able to get the relief to observe all the patients at a particular interval of time.  Due to having this system, all the real-time data associated with a particular patient will be displayed in a monitor with the graphical representation that will help to further analyze the patient health condition.

Keywords: Biomedical device, Heart Beat Rate, IOT, Temperature sensor.

Associated Technology for Design & Development

To develop an IOT based Electronic System for the real-time health monitoring of a patient in the form of a wearable version, the following elements are required for the fabrication of this system.

  • Microcontroller
  • Temperature sensor DHT11
  • Heart Beat Sensor (Piezoelectric sensor & optical sensor)
  • Webserver
  • ESP8266 Wi-Fi  Module in case of an Arduino Microcontroller
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Android Application development for data manipulation
  • GSM Module SIM 900A for real-time notification to the smartphone
  • Proteus Software for Electronics circuit design and simulation
  • PCB design for real-world circuit Implementation
  • 3D printer for designing an outer case for an electronic Board

For the complete manufacturing of this product, the above-stated materials along with the necessary electronics devices for testing and monitoring such as multi-meter and oscilloscope has been required.

Software/Programming Requirements

  • Embedded C language for a microcontroller programming in which an Arduino IDE is used for an Arduino programming, AVR Studio is used for AVR Microcontroller programming such as Atmega16, etc.
  • Python programming language for a Raspberry Pi.
  • Java, Android, Drag and Drop Block programming, etc. have been required for an Android Application Development. Generally, an Android Studio IDE has been used for Android Apps Development.