Efficient Human Identification Through Face Detection Using Raspberry Pi Based On Python-Opencv

Efficient Human Identification Through Face Detection Using Raspberry Pi Based On Python-Opencv

August 24, 2018

Abstract: – Human Identification can be performed through various technique like as fingerprint, palm detection, iris detection as well as face detection. This paper focus on implementation of face detection system for human identification based on open source computer vision library (OpenCV) with python. The model of face recognition has been performed on both laptop and raspberry pi whereas for an implementation of this project on laptop, SQLite studio has been used as a database and for raspberry PI PHPmyadmin has been used. In this paper the concept of detection has been established by writing different code for dataset generator, Trainer and detector. Finally the information that will be displayed along with detected photo has been stored on database. This concept has a higher scope on security and surveillance projects and various automation operation.

Index terms: Face detection, PHPmyadmin, PI Camera, Raspberry PI, SQLite studio.


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Published Conference Proceeding: WRFER International Conference, 24th June, 2018, New Delhi, India.

1Lochan Basyal, 2Bishal Karki, 3Gaurav Adhikari, 4Jagdeep Singh

123Btech. Students, 4Assistant Professor

14Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, 23Department of Computer Science Engineering

1234Amritsar College of Engineering and Technology, Amritsar, India

Email: 1bashyallochan@gmail.com