GSM Based Smart Home Security System
GSM Based Smart Home Security System
Abstract -Smart home security system is based on GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) has been implemented with AVR (Alf and Vegard RISC) Atmega16 microcontroller. This system provides the theft detection and LPG gas detection notification to the respective user smartphone and is based on two sensor mechanism these are PIR Motion sensor and MQ2 Gas sensor. The Implementation of this project has been achieved through the Real world as well as Virtual simulation Through Proteus simulation Software 7. The programming platform for the microcontroller is based on AVR Studio 4 and the software used for Hex file burner is Sinaprog A control circuit which includes relay driver and buzzer has been interfaced with a microcontroller for operating electric socking mechanism and siren. The current situation of overall system has been displayed through 4*20 LCD Display.
Index Terms – Atmega16, Control circuit, GSM module SIM900A, MQ2 gas sensor, PIR motion sensor.
Conference: 2018 4th I2CT IEEE Conference, SDMIT Ujire, Mangalore, India
Lochan Basyal
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Amritsar College of Engineering and Technology
Amritsar, Punjab, India