Internet of things

Internet of things

September 16, 2018

Imagine you are laying comfortably in your couch and watching TV, forgetting that you had switched on your gas stove and milk was boiling. you set in a notification in your most precious handy device. Your phone, stating that “your milk is about to boil please switch it off”. It might sound little starting but this is the exact environment is called internet of thing. It is a scenario in which objects, animals or people are provided with unique identifier along with ability to transfer data over network without human interference.


According to Wikipedia “the internet of thing or IOT, refers to the billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to the internet collecting and sharing data. Thanks to cheap processors and wireless networks, it’s possible to turn anything, from a pill to an airplane, into part of the IOT. this add  a level of digital  intelligence to devices that would be otherwise dumb, enabling them to communicate without a human being involved , and merging the digital and physical worlds.

Taking about Nepal being a developing country IOT technology has wide possibility to flourish .it can contribute a lot in development of the country. Initially, the development of IOT technology will ultimately drag Nepal into technical advancement that is happening around the world.

The IOT promises to make our environment our homes and office and vehicle smarter more measurable, and chattier. Smart speaker like amazon’s echo and Google home make it easier to play music, identify voices or get information.

So finally there is great possibility of bringing in technical advancement in Nepal by students themselves using simple techniques, creativity and theoretical knowledge into practical lose! All it requires is patients, a lot of research and innovative ideas.