What is robotics? What are robots?
What is robotics? What are robots?
These days, robotics is the most advancing field in the world. There is no such area on earth where robots are not used. From earth to space, robots are used everywhere. Engineering, medical, industry, research, education and training, space exploration, rescue missions, military, etc. are the fields where robots are widely used. Robotics contribute to advancing modern technology. Robotics constitutes of different processes such as designing, modelling, fabricating and assembly. It is an interdisciplinary field of study. The purpose of modern robots is to perform tasks that a human being can’t. From very simple repetitive tasks such as opening a door automatically to a place where it is hazardous for a human being such as mines. Robotics and the use of robots can induce work efficiency which will certainly help to boost the economy. Japan, China, Korea are those countries where they use robots extensively for manufacturing purpose and as a result their manufacturing is always the best. So, we can’t imagine modern manufacturing and production process without robots. Modern robotics is capable of creating parts that are cheap, accurate and reliable.
History and evolution of robots
Unlike our ancestors, we have been living in these days where everything is possible. It is the human nature to progress gradually, to find something new. Human beings have been struggling since stone age to make their life easier and comfortable. For this, we have been devising many tools and inventions. The essence of robots arouse in the ancient age but due to its limitations, it was still a dream. The term “robot” was first used in 1921 by Karel Capek, a Czech writer, to describe automata in fiction. The term “robotics” was later made famous by the Russian writer Isaac Asimov in 1942. After the World Wars, Isaac Asimov’s robots didn’t just capture the popular imagination of Post-War America, they resurrected a new era in robotics history. Modern-day robotics has a relation between fantasies and real-life technology. When it came to the industrial age, new and complex mechanisms were furnished. It was difficult to work inside mines and forging industries so engineers and inventors were working together to develop a new mechanism that is able to work without human aid. Industrial robots were the first to start the journey of modern robotics. With less need for human assistance and more efficiency, production was booming and industries started to produce goods with cheaper investment.
How Robots are made?
Robots are designed to perform a specific task by incorporating various things, to name a few, such as sensors, mechanical parts, codes and controller to perform a task. These disciplines may vary with the type and function of robots. They are designed for specific tasks such as in industry which we call industrial robots which perform welding, lifting heavy loads and robotics arm that helps during maintenance of space shuttle. Nowadays, engineers also include artificial intelligence and biology so that robots can make their own decision to perform their tasks mimicking nature. This has led to various achievements in engineering and technology like auto-piloting in aeroplanes, automobiles, even UAVs. Robotics is the agglomeration of fields like electronics, mechanical, computer engineering, etc. Some biologically inspired robots can replicate human beings to perform tasks like running, walking, lifting, speech recognition and others. We have certainly heard about Sophia- the human-robot which can talk and think like a normal human being. This is possible due to artificial intelligence embedded inside the robot. Boston dynamics is also working on robots that replicate human beings. Robotics is an extensive field of research that can create new ideas and inventions which can transform the generation. Different components are made to work together while making robots. The component might be of different types and categories. Some are mechanical components while others are electrical and electronic parts such as controller, sensors, power source, actuators, motors, structural components, drivers, which perform collective tasks like walking, flying, gripping, climbing, etc. as per our need.